Monday, December 26, 2016

What a Year

Hi! Remember me?

It's been awhile since I have visited you through my blog. While there are several reasons, I'll share two and some of my thoughts about them.

First, I was very busy running an unsuccessful campaign to be elected as the Toastmasters' International Director for Region 4. While it was an unsuccessful run, I would not change the experience for anything. It was wonderful to sit and visit with District Leaders from around the world. I give many thanks to them for their time. I would also like to thank the many people that worked on my team and supported me in this effort. All of you are truly an incredible group of people. I am honored to have your support. It's humbling to see so many give of themselves and their time to help you be successful. What can we learn from this?

Second, my company, specifically the teams that I work with, are going through a reorganization. While no one lost their jobs, a lot of people, including myself were shifted to new managers. There is a lot of behind the scenes work that is in the works with new team names, and building new relationships. So far, it has been time consuming, but has been a smooth transition. I love change. I work in an industry that changes constantly, healthcare. I also work in the Information Technology field, which seems like it changes hourly. Change bring opportunities that we wouldn't have without the change. 

Take the time to appreciate those people that make a difference in your life. Also, when change happens, look for those opportunities that present themselves. I look forward to spending more time with you here.

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