Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Excellence in Marketing

I recently attended the Toastmasters International Convention in Mashantucket, CT. While there, I had the honor of accepting the Toastmasters Excellence in Marketing award on behalf of District 6 Toastmasters. This was a great achievement. I wanted to take a few moments to express my gratitude to all of the people that helped to make this possible.

  • To the 5000+ Toastmasters in Districrt 6, thank you for everything that you do every day to promote our organization.
  • To all those that helped with Demo meetings, served as a Club Sponsor or Mentor, thanks for taking time out of your busy schedules to help with new club growth.
  • To Joan Watson, District Governor, and Allan Bernard, Lieutenant Governor Education and Training, thanks for taking me by the hand and showing me the ropes. I could not have asked for better mentors and your support was unwavering.
  • To the many CEO's, training managers, sales managers for your willingness to listen to the benefits of Toastmasters.
  • As I shared Toastmasters with so many, I am grateful for the Six Critical Steps to Opening More Relationships and Closing More Sales taught in the great book, Silver Bullet Selling. The Bartick brothers have written a wonderful book to keep us on track in Sales.
  • To all of my peers and co-workers at HealthPartners for the support and encouragement they gave me every day. Priceless!
  • Last, but not least, to my wife Nancy. Thanks for 28 wonderful years and for all the support in all that I do.
This was a true team effort and I am grateful for all that you do and for your willingness to do it with An Attitude of Service. You are AWESOME!

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